Trick or Treat 2013

 Well here they are start with our Hip-Hop dancer!  She was quite proud of the fact she found everything for her costume in her wardrobe.  This isn't to surprising considering her closet is a sea of neon and sequence.  
We also had a cute little blue monster and the sweetest strawberry I've ever laid eyes on!
 Weston figured out this 'Trick or Treating " business real quick!  He was saying "weeese" (aka please) all night!  He was beyond thrilled about his little sucker!
 Gracie had fun showing him the ropes!
 Our next stop after running up and down a few streets was to the local First Baptist Church.  They had a wonderful Halloween Festival.  The theme was a Science Lab!

 Gracie did a bubble experiment!
 Her favorite thing by far was the glow throw!  We decided this might have to be something fun Daddy can build us at home to play with friends and to have for parties. 
 Of course there was a big tub of slimy goop for the kids to dig in!
 Oh and what festival wouldn't be complete without face painting!
Weston was even able to play some of the games.  The bean bag toss and bubble smash where his favorites!