Step aside Emeril!

Step aside Emeril there is a new chef in town!  Weston helped Mommy make chocolate chip banana bread this morning. He was quite excited to make it, watch it bake and of course "taste test".  It is all the rage in this house with the kiddos.  One of our favorites!!!

Surprise Nana!

The babies and I made a trip to the florist after church this morning. It was probably not the best place to take Weston but we did make it out of there without breaking anything and also with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Nana. 

It was absolutely precious watching him tote those flowers up to the door and say "here go Nana" when she opened the door. 

We certainly hope she has a wonderful Birthday and enjoys her pretty flowers! 

Picnic Party at the Park

 We don't ever have to have an excuse to go play at the park, but it is always an added bonus to celebrate while we are there!
 Today is Miss Ashlynn's 7th Birthday!
 We had Pizza!
 Played, Played and Played some more!

 Followed by cupcakes and presents!
 7 fun facts about Ashlynn on her 7th Birthday

1. Her favorite game to play is school 
2. She has lost 2 teeth
3. She loves candy
4. She was born in Nebraska
5. Her favorite place she has ever been is the beach
6. Wears a size 1 shoe
7. She loves babies