Happy 18th Birthday Blakey Mae!

Blake, James, Gracie and Ashlynn

We celebrated Blake's Birthday at Jordan and Jessica's with a BBQ and great company. Yes that is a rice krispie treat, with a marshmellow and candle on top. He didn't want a cake and thought he was going to get out of the whole song and "make a wish" tradition, but we improvised at the last minute! Great thinking Jess!!!

Ruff-Petter's Wedding

Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Devin and Sandy Ruff

Had fun shooting pictures for this amazing couple this weekend!
Best wishes you guys!

Pre-School Graduation!

Well Gracie's 1st year of Preschool has come and gone. It was such an amazing experience for her. She would come home on Tuesday and Thursday nights and talk our ears off about her friends, the teachers and all the fun activities that she had done that day. We are looking forward to going back in the fall!

End of the year Gymnastics Party!

Gracie took Ashlynn to bring a friend night at Gymnastics!

Don"t they just look like angels!

This was Gracie's favorite part of the whole night!

James 1st T-ball Game!

We all went out for James 1st T-ball and he did great! Ashlynn was his BIGGEST fan by far!

Gracie's 1st Tball Game

Our little All Star!

Graduation Parties!

Congrats to all the 2010 Grad's! So happy for all you guys and can"t wait to see what the future holds for you guys!

Silly Girls!

Gracie and I decided to have a little fun taking pictures while we were waiting for Daddy to get ready to go to Graduation parties with us.

Gracie's 1st Gymnastics Meet

Gracie on the Bar

Making her presence known!!!

Her 1st Trophy!

Well we are wrapped up gymnastics for the summer with a meet. Gracie was beyond thrilled about this, because it was her very first! She did great and even got a trophy, her very 1st one! It was so much fun to watch her showcase all the new things she had learned over the past few months. I think we will be sticking with gymnastics for awhile!

Mommies Day!

Well we had a wonderful Mother's Day! We went out for lunch and were able to spend the whole day together just the 3 of us hanging out, which these days is truly a blessing. Gracie was quite excited this year to be able to go shopping and pick out all of my Mother's Day presents herself. She gave me out a beautiful heart pendant necklace, ring and a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. She was so proud of herself. It was truly a wonderful day, everyday has been as Gracie's Mommy though! I am reminded today just how blessed I am to have such a beautiful daughter and to of had such an incredible Mother!