Trick or Treat 2013

 Well here they are start with our Hip-Hop dancer!  She was quite proud of the fact she found everything for her costume in her wardrobe.  This isn't to surprising considering her closet is a sea of neon and sequence.  
We also had a cute little blue monster and the sweetest strawberry I've ever laid eyes on!
 Weston figured out this 'Trick or Treating " business real quick!  He was saying "weeese" (aka please) all night!  He was beyond thrilled about his little sucker!
 Gracie had fun showing him the ropes!
 Our next stop after running up and down a few streets was to the local First Baptist Church.  They had a wonderful Halloween Festival.  The theme was a Science Lab!

 Gracie did a bubble experiment!
 Her favorite thing by far was the glow throw!  We decided this might have to be something fun Daddy can build us at home to play with friends and to have for parties. 
 Of course there was a big tub of slimy goop for the kids to dig in!
 Oh and what festival wouldn't be complete without face painting!
Weston was even able to play some of the games.  The bean bag toss and bubble smash where his favorites!

Pumpkin Time!

 I took the opportunity of having great weather and kiddos in good moods to snap a couple pictures of them! Enjoy this picture because it is pretty rare I get a picture of all 3 smiling and looking at the camera. 
Miss Madison loves having her picture taken!
 It was time to do a little pumpkin decorating.  Aunt Shawn picked us up a neat decorating kit.  Scary and goofy facial features to create a little Pumpkin Monster.
 Weston was a big help and as always eager to help out!
Gracie definitely had quite an original Pumpkin!

 I prefer this handsome little Pumpkin head myself!  I caught Weston out running around with this sweet little Pumpkin hat made by Knitty Bitty Dreamers last year.

Happily Ever After

 Could not be happier for Mr. and Mrs. Dean!  I have known Lindsey for 12 years and in those 12 years watched her go though many seasons of life.  This is the happiest by far I have ever seen her!  For some reason it wasn't crazy at all to any of us when she started rambling on about marrying this guy she had barely known a couple weeks.  We met him soon after she did and were all hooked on Dustin as well.  So happy God has brought them together and we wish them all the happiness in the world!
 I love both if these beautiful ladies to pieces!
Congratulations my sweet friend!

Our little Pumpkin is 9 months!

 Why yes as a matter of a fact I did put my baby in a pumpkin!  She loved it!  That was no surprise though, because she tends to love just about everything.  Little Miss Happy Go Lucky!
 Madison Mackenzie continues to be such a  blessing to our lives each and every day!
 It is so amazing to me to see all the similarities she has to her brother and sister, and also all the many differences.
Madison at 9 months:

Size 3 Diaper
Weighs 16 pounds
Wears size 6-9 months clothing
Size 2 shoe
Says "Mommom" "Dadada" and "ByByeBy"
Army crawling all over the place
Loves to play with her siblings!
She is eating crackers and bread and we have let her taste many new things.Her food for the most part still has to be dry and crumbly. She is also swallowing water from a sippy cup very well now which is a huge accomplishment due to her past swallowing issues.

At 9 1/2 months she has started cutting her first 2 teeth!

My sweet girl

Gracie thought since Papa was having surgery and she couldn't be there to see him and give him a hug she would write him a sweet letter to lift his spirits. 
My favorite part is the picture! I love how Gracie always draws high heels and dangly earrings on her self portraits. She even added ruffles to her dress. Love my silly sweet girl!

Tournament time

This weekend the Diamond Dazzlers played in Greenbriar. Losing a couple and winning a couple they played great! 

It was a long day with rain delays, but worth it in the end. Gracie made some great plays and it was awesome watching all these girls continue to improve together as a team. I put 3 rosie faced sleepy kiddos to bed tonight! 

This weeks picture dump!

I have to remember to get some of these sweet pictures off my phone and posted for everyone to enjoy. 
These 2 right here just make my heart melt when yu live on each other. Weston can be pretty rough at times but he can be so sweet as well. 

We love our dress up bucket! Madison even gets in on dress up time every now and then. Cute little bunny!  

Our new favorite thing to do a few times a week is eat lunch with Gracie. The weather has been so beautiful and we love a nice picnic. Weston especially loves lunch with "sissy" and I love the great nap he takes afterwards!
Sweet Maddie-Mac after waking from a nap. 
I caught Weston with a chocolate face, making quite the mess! Silly boy, he is always into something these days. 

Mommy's secret

One thing I have learned lately is the secret to keeping my sanity! No wine needed for this one either! 
One hour a day. One hour of quiet time all by myself. One hour a day to read my devotional, journal and even do a little blogging. One hour to gather my thoughts and process things. 

Trouble comes in 3's!

These 3 were off to the Union Paciffic Railroad family day with Tim, Grandma and Weston. They didn't let a little rain stop them from playing games, eating goodies and I'm sure stirring up a little trouble. 

Hanging out at the ballpark!

Well this weekends tournament was in a Maumelle. The girls played great! I absolutely love watching Gracie play. Nothing better in the world than watching your kiddos do something they really enjoy!
Madison was all about snacking on her toes tonight! Te kinder me of the snickers slogan "hungry? Why wait!".  

We finished off the afternoon with a stop at the "Purple Cow" for a celebratory purple shake! Mrs. King was also able to join us and we got a good visit in with her. It was a fun time, but was drawn to an end as we were all so tired!

Gracie barely made it in the door before she crashed! All and all it was an exausting but fun day!

Weston lately!

These days it is hard enough to keep up with this little fella' much less capture a picture of him. He is busy, busy at 22 months!
I believe his favorite times of day are when it's time to eat and time to take a bath. Some of his favorite foods are craisens, Apple sauce and anything peanutbutter.
He has started playing very well with Madison. I just love watching the two of them together.  Sometimes it's more fun to sneak a peek at them and just sit and watch them play. He usually catches me and insists I "sit down" and play with him. 
As naughty as he can be at times , he can melt my heart in a second with that sweet grin! 

My Sweet Maddie-Mac

Miss Madison Mackenzie is 8 and half months old. I am a little late on the monthly update, so I will give you a quick review. 
She has definitely filled out quite a bit. I love those sweet chubby cheeks and they sure get lots of smooches! 
She is always gnawing on her fingers and just about anything else she can get in her mouth. Who knows maybe next month she will have some teeth.
She is rolling all over the place and even trying to crawl.  Her swallowing issues are slowly but surely getting better. Just today she was able to swallow a little oatmeal. 
She loves being outside, playing with Weston and she is Gracie's best student when it comes time to play school. 

Her newest trick is clapping her hands together. It is precious to see how excited she gets when she does it. Then Weston will sit down beside her and clap his hands as well. So sweet!