Caleb Kenneth

They don't come any cuter, sweeter or more full of life than this sweet little man!

Thanksgiving at Gigi's

Had such a great visit with my Mom's side of the family for Thanksgiving. It was so nice to have everyone together in the same house for the first time in almost 5 years! Lots of laughs and memories shared. I know Gigi really enjoyed having all her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren together as well! We are really going to have to do this more often!!!

Packing the biggest Turkey of all!

For some reason this child loves to play in suitcases! She wasn't much help in the packing department when it came time to prepare for our eventful Thanksgiving weekend. I think we may need to get some larger luggage!

Family Reunion, Suiter Style!

Well we followed up Thanksgiving with a trip to Missouri for the Suiter Family Reunion. It was so nice to see people we haven't seen in so many years and sure wish we could see more of!
Lots of reminiscing about old times, and meeting all the new additions to the family. Followed up with some wonderful BBQ and karaoke. It was a great day!!!

Every picture tells a story . . .

Caught in the moment of happiness, love and I think a song!

Katelyn and Natlie's Portrait Preview

Today was like taking a step back in time for me.
These two sweet little girls belong to a long time friend of mine. I can remember when the oldest was born and as she got older she was my little side kick. It still amazes me, because in my mind one should be the age of the other. Love them both and had so much fun at the park with them today. Gracie even got to tag along and play with them as well!

Britney's Dance Competition

One of the great things about living a little closer to family is getting to be apart of all there activities. Gracie and Tim were able to attend Britney's dance Competition which was a lot of fun. Tim did what he does best, making lots of noise from the sidelines and Gracie was one of her biggest fans as well. Gracie was quite impressed and I heard all about it when she got home. So proud of Miss Brit Brit! She is great in all that she does and hope she lives out her dream to dance for the Razorbacks some day!

Lookie what is finally up!

I know the picture is dark, but I was to excited to wait till daylight to take a picture. We are finally on the market and I could not be more excited!!! After many months of hard work the end is hopefully soon in sight!

Bye Bye Old MacDonald Preschool

Today was a very sad day at Pre-school. We are not just leaving North Platte we are leaving many friends and a whole second family. Gracie's teachers are great examples of this. Such a great pre-school and they have loved and spoiled my little girl the past 2 years and opened her mind to so many new things! Thank you so much ladies and we will be back to visit!

Liberty's 4 Year Portraits

Happy Birthday Libby!

Miss Libby is turning 4 and it wouldn't be complete with out her very own Birthday shoot! Shy at first it didn't take her long to crack right out of that shell and start striking poses and the best part of all she got to do it in a tutu, which she was thrilled about!

Douglas Family Preview

Had such a fun day with these guys. Such a sweet family and 3 of the cutest girls I know!

Being Silly!

Gracie and I on a cold rainy day!

New Hair Cut!

Well we unfortunately we had a gum accident and had to have over 5 inches cut off Gracie's hair. Gracie was very excited about the hair cut, but Mommy was not to say the least. It turned out pretty cute and Gracie spent most of that day in front of the mirror ohh and ahhing over it!