Words that melt the heart

Today's post doesn't come with pictures just words, words that tell more than a little story about what happened today. More about what is happening with our family.

After battling with my daughter in the Christian book store over which bible she was going to get for 20 minutes we finally came to an agreement. One she still was not to happy with.  I felt like I had completely failed her in that moment because we were disagreeing over a BIBLE of all things. I was trying to explain to her it doesn't matter about the sparkles on the outside.  What matters is what is inside, just like what is inside our hearts.  I was so frustrated that she would not listen to me.  It is something I can not expect her to grasp in a 20 minute conversation, especially since she is 7 and loves everything that is pink and sparkly. I wanted her to get the plain one that was discounted and she wanted the more expensive prettier one. When the battle was over and I had her talked into a cover to go with the one I picked out we then walked past the clearance isle on our way out and low and behold there was a PINK bible even less expensive than the one I had picked out. I laughed!  Omg, really! It felt like being rewarded after working through our 20 minute melt down.  We both got what we wanted but the more I thought about what happened disagreement or no disagreement I was proud that she has wanted her own bible. She wants to look up, read and learn scriptures. She wants God in her life!!! Our family was in a much different place even just a year ago.  Suddenly I realized what is in her heart. I am so proud!
 My husband later on after all this, out if no where said to my daughter "Mommy has brought God back into our family and brought us back to church". Talk about melting my heart and tears of joy. As a family and on a personal level I know we have a long way to go, but we have also come so far and it is the best feeling in the world. I love what God is doing in my life, for my family and though it is frustrating its even more rewarding.

King Drive Thru

 Well the King's stopped in for lunch on there drive back from vacation.  We ate at one of our favorite little Italian places.  As always we got in a great visit and were sure to get the details of there beach trip as well.
 Love these sweet little faces!

Ms. Beth was able to join us as well!  She never turns down good company, especially at Bravo!

Another sweet top from Mrs. Laura

 Mrs. Laura (owner of "Stitches By: Laura") brought over this sweet little top for Gracie to model today.  We just love everything she makes for us!  She can do it all!  Everything from Madison's baby bedding to the sweetest outfits for the girls.  She is even sewing up some curtains for Aunt Christy to hang in Baby Clayton's nursery. 

Random Phone Photos.

Just wanted to post some of these sweet photos I have on my phone. Many are on my Instagram and Facebook and I forget to blog them. Just a few random sweet shots taken in the past month or so. Enjoy!

Party Rockin'!

I took Gracie to a fun little pool party yesterday. Birthday parties are always so much fun at this age. After a week of swimming at Aunt Christy and Uncle Matt's house Gracie is swimming like a little fish.

Fun in Fayetville

 This is what a visit to Aunt Christy's looks like!  We are missing one kiddo in this picture, but this pretty much sums up the whole week.  Just a relaxing trip full of lots of catching up and loves.  Talk about a lap full of cuteness!
We did a little shopping while we were there and Caleb and Weston were checking out Weston's new toy.  I think Caleb was giving Weston a few t-ball pointer for in the future.

 This little beauty took her first dip in the pool while at Aunt Christy's.  She didn't seem to mind it at all. Another first to add to the baby book!   

 Weston wasn't to fond of his swimming get-up he had to wear, but after a while forgot all about it and was having a blast.  Gracie worked on her swimming while we were there and since has just taken off like a little water bug.  We had some great pool time!  I think the most memorable moment was when we walked down to the pool and got chased by the stinky duck to and from.  Gracie screamed, Weston laughed, I ran and Madison slept through the whole thing both times!

We ran away for the week!

It is always so nice to go visit the King's.  No only do we get to visit with the sweetest kiddos but it is always a relaxing break from all the chaos at home. 
Miss Emma loved her Birthday dress we brought her and of course she made it even cuter just by wearing it! I made sure it was fit for  princess and very twirly!

These 2 could not be more excited about the arrival of there baby brother, coming in just 8 weeks! It is just precious seeing Christy pregnant and the kids loving on her belly.  I love it!
 Hard to believe this little guy right here is about to start Kindergarten in a month.  He has turned out to be such a kind and handsome little fella.  Kindergarten and a little brother coming up for him, so exciting!

 I think Christy and I are still just blown away at all we have been blessed with in life, especially our beautiful children.  Love each one of these sweet face!

Happy 4th!!!

 We had a more laid back, relaxing kind of 4th of July this year. 
 We played some games in the backyard.

 Grandma and Michelle joined us for the festivities.
 We sat back and let Britany and Gracie put on a firework show for us and enjoyed all the fireworks shot by the neighbors as well. 
 We grilled and roasted marshmellows.

I think about all the places we have been on the 4th of July.  Everywhere from Universal Studios in Orlando to the Lake in Nebraska.  Sometimes we were with family, and sometimes friends.  Big parties and extravagant firework shows or back yard bar-b-que's and fireworks shot in the street.  We have been blessed to have made so many wonderful memories as a family on this wonderful holiday. 

Girls day out!

During Gracie's "girls day out" with Aunt LaLa she attended a cupcake decorating class. It was a patriotic theme. She was shown a new decorating technique. I think her cupcakes turned out absolutely beautiful! She may have a future as a baker and I would have no objections with that! It may interfere with her career as a teacher though. I think the best part of Gracie's day was going to visit Aunt LaLa's new classroom, where she will be teaching this fall. Gracie could play school all day and to play in a REAL classroom is the best!

Summer days

 Here are a few snap shots from this lazy but fun Summer week.  I am always so happy (and a little surprised) when we get out the door early for church.  I am always even happier when we have a few extra minutes to grab a quick picture before church. 
 Daddy went out and bought a pool for the kids to play in.  They couldn't even wait for it to fill up they were so excited about it.  It was pretty cool at first but that certainly didn't stop these 2.  I think Weston was the most excited about it.  He squealed,screamed,laughed and played for hours!

 My sweet little water babies!
 We also went to a Travlers game this week.  We only lasted till the 4th inning before the babies decided it was time to go, but I have hope that we can make it till the 5th inning next time!