Bye Bye 1st Grade!

Another school year has come to an end.  1st grade was awesome for Gracie!  She had a teacher that really challenged her and it was so amazing to watch her learn so many new things.  Her reading really took off and she is now into chapter books.  Junie B. Jones is her favorite.  Math has also sparked up a lot of interest to her this past school year.  Her creative writing folder was quite an interesting read.  Where that girls imagination came from and goes to is beyond me.  I have to say I think Science  and Art are her favorites though. She is so creative and I love that she has so much enthusiasm for learning! 
Next school year is going to be a whole new school in a different town and we are all looking forward to it that! We are so blessed to have such great schools and wonderful teacher in our area! 

End of the year party!

 Hard to believe that another school year has come to an end.  Even harder for me to believe that I am going to soon have a 2nd grader!  The kids sure had a fun end to there school year.  Nothing is more exciting to a 7 year old than a giant water slide. 
 It was a little bitter sweet knowing we would not be returning to Mountain Springs, since we have moved.  Gracie is really excited about starting a new school and making new friends. We have a few friends we will be extra sure to hold on to though!

A little of my day . . .

 Miss Madison tried baby food today for the first time!  It didn't go to well.  I am pretty sure NONE of it actually stayed in her.  She was spitting it out everywhere.  Even Weston thought it was funny watching her spit it out and make a mess.  Maybe she has been watching him a little to much!
 She got a much needed bath after her eventful feeding!
I wondered why Weston was so quiet while I was giving Madison a bath and as soon as I walked out of the bathroom I discovered why.  He pulled the diaper bag down off the kitchen table and drug it in the living room and went to town.  He got the snack bucket out and was devouring cookies, crackers, raisins and whatever else he could find.  He was in heaven!  I couldn't get mad because he gave me that sweet crumb covered grin and started putting everything back in the bag, except the snacks anyway.

Bed time, Play time

 In our house apparently the best place to play is in Mommy and Daddy's bed!
 Lots of snuggles and laughs shared in here! 

Sleeping sweetness

Tell me that is not the sweetest thing right there!

We have found many good things coming out of Tim's unfortunate back injury and surgery. One of those has definitely been that he is home more with the kids to make some special memories that he would normally miss out on being at work all day.  He is Madison's favorite napping partner and Weston enjoys having him home to play with.  Gracie also enjoys having Daddy take and pick her up from school. 

Career Day!

 Anyone who knows Gracie knows that her favorite game to play is "school".  So it is only suiting that she aspires to be a teacher when she grows up.  This is not surprising since she has some great teacher role models around her. 
She had to dress like a teacher today so she decided a maxi dress and cardigan would look best.  Some of Mommy's jewelry, reading glasses, a sparkly lanyard and of course her notebook.  If you read that notebook it states that she is a !st Grade Teacher.  She thinks she is best equipped to teach 1st Grade!  I love that she put some much thought and effort into this day.  My little girl is just growing up to quickly!

The sick house

 There is nothing worse than having a sick kiddo.  Poor Weston has had everything from multiple ear infections to the flu and constantly sick since December.  That doesn't stop him from playing with his sisters or snuggling Mommy though.

 Sick or not he is all smiles, most of the time!
 He passed out on Daddy and didn't move a muscle until I put him in bed.
 Caught Gracie snuggled up in bed with her nose in a book.  She read Madison a book about the Titanic.  I don't think Madison cares what she reads her, but she sure loves the attention from Gracie. 
 Love how sweet of a BIG sister she can be!
Hope its always like this!

17 months!

 Lookie at this sweetie!  He just loves riding in his wagon and we have sure had the perfect weather for it.  He is just about to walk as well.  He is taking a step or two at a time and then plopping down on his butt.  Things are about to get REALLY interesting around our house!

Sittin' around!

 These are Weston's two favorite places to sit!  There isn't much he won't eat these days other than green beans and sweet peas.  The wagon and his toy car are helpful tools at helping me get the house clean some days.  I just strap him in and pull him around the house as I pick up.  Seems like if I don't he just makes messes right behind me as I clean.  Little stinker! 

Madison's two favorite seats in the house are her swing and bouncy seat.  I am not sure she would take many naps without that swing!  I caught her just sitting there being cute, as always!
 Weston has figured out how to take Madison where ever he wants.  He stands up and just pushes her little seat all over the house.  It is pretty cute!

Aunt Shawnee's girls!

 We had a house full this weekend!  Uncle Derek, Aunt Holly, Tanner and Lexi came in from Kansas.  Aunt Shawn wasn't passing up the opportunity to love on all these babies so she came to visit as well.
 It was a fun weekend.  Lots of babies equals lots of loves and fun!