Our little Pumpkin is 9 months!

 Why yes as a matter of a fact I did put my baby in a pumpkin!  She loved it!  That was no surprise though, because she tends to love just about everything.  Little Miss Happy Go Lucky!
 Madison Mackenzie continues to be such a  blessing to our lives each and every day!
 It is so amazing to me to see all the similarities she has to her brother and sister, and also all the many differences.
Madison at 9 months:

Size 3 Diaper
Weighs 16 pounds
Wears size 6-9 months clothing
Size 2 shoe
Says "Mommom" "Dadada" and "ByByeBy"
Army crawling all over the place
Loves to play with her siblings!
She is eating crackers and bread and we have let her taste many new things.Her food for the most part still has to be dry and crumbly. She is also swallowing water from a sippy cup very well now which is a huge accomplishment due to her past swallowing issues.

At 9 1/2 months she has started cutting her first 2 teeth!